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Mill Pond Overlook

Trail Length

0.5 miles round trip

Property size

9 acres

Trail Terrain

Woodchip and soil surface, mild hills, some side slope


Salt marsh, coastal bank, pine/oak woods and, unfortunately, many invasive plant species

Some animals that share this property: osprey, great blue heron, redwing black birds, coyotes, river otter, white-tailed deer, and many more

Native plant species: Eastern red cedars, black cherry, oak, pitch pine, shadbush, bayberry, highbush blueberry, viburnum, black elderberry, and sensitive fern, among others, naturally established on the property.

Along the beginning of the trail, CCF is replacing invasive plant species with native plants, using many of the species listed above and adding inkberries, sweet pepperbush, and witch hazel.

Pear and kousa dogwood trees, not native to this area, are evidence of past land use.

Mill Pond Overlook
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